Hey guys, I didn’t play games yesterday and today might just be the same. Don’t know if it’s burnout but it might be. Don’t expect a Wot I Thought this week, it might not come. :(

This article is a ~1 and a half minute read.

Here are some ominous haikus I wrote about some people when me and Samidy investigated a certain drama in the piracy subculture (iykyk). These are paired haikus. Enjoy!

power changes all,

even of valiant background,

falling high is grim.

power changes truth

and envy behind spun webs

rears its ugly head.

some do not care for

drama bespoke, befuddled,

they prefer idling.

the layman’s life is

by far easiest to live,

not of pettiness.

will his ego fell

community adored, and

shall his wrath hail down?

don’t believe his lies

lest you end up tricked, his rule

obeying, reject.

And how about some new ones?? Like for example, one about Clustertruck and one about Birdgut, two potential candidates for the next Wot I Thought.

of trucks and mayhem

a certain game consists of

yeah, it’s pretty good!

malformed hero

ventures in avian guts

to save all from rule

And one for a friend of mine.

please, bask in beauty,

child of ire yet gentleness

while you are able.

and, please, do not miss

the forest for the trees, child,

calm down and rest, rest.



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Wot I Thought - The Haunted Island - A Frog Detective Game